

Chelsea, Design Museum

What to see
London’s tourist attractions are well covered in Visit London, Lonely Planet and Time Out. Links to places near Stamford Bridge are:
Chelsea FC Stadium Tour & Museum
Chelsea Physic Garden
Design Museum
National Army Museum

Towns of Two Halves extracts:
“The Design Museum isn’t far from Stamford Bridge. That puts it off the beaten track where most tourists to London are concerned, but it’s well worth a visit. Besides, you could make a case for Chelsea being the UK’s most trendy or design-influenced club.”
“While the main cultural influences [from California] were jingly-jangly electric guitars and mild intoxicants, all was well. But California has found itself directing much of the world’s economic and psychic traffic and its experience with freeways has proved a poor model.”
“The West Coast newcomers were not averse to sales but set out also to change people’s lives. What qualified them for that role? Confidence, certainly, and abundant marketing skills. A generation of young people have made fortunes teasing technology into products for which there was no justification beyond the assertion that they were ‘cool’. And the world, like a gullible teenager, has accepted their definition of cool over and over again, bought their products and signed a blank cheque to cover the upgrades.”
These are taken from the Chelsea chapter of Towns of Two Halves, published in 2018. To buy a copy, email