

Colchester, Roman castle, Iceni

What to see
You’ll find accounts of Colchester’s tourist attractions and additional information on shopping, eating out etc at Visit Colchester. Links to Colchester attractions include:

Balkerne Gate
Colchester Castle
Colchester Mystery Treasure Trail
Colchester Natural History Museum
Colchester Zoo
East Anglian Railway Museum
Fingringhoe Wick Nature Reserve
Gosbecks Archaeological Park
Hollytrees Museum
Lexden Earthworks
The Recreation

Towns of Two Halves extracts:
“When the Romans invaded they headed more or less straight there. They gave Camulodunum a Latin ending and made it a provincial capital. If Boudicca had not burnt it down, might it have become the national capital?”
“The Colchester manager in those days [1976] used to complain that it was difficult to attract players, Colchester being seen as an end-of-the-line town. This was an odd expression to use; anyone who has ever fallen asleep on a late train from Liverpool Street will know that Colchester is far from the end of the line.”
“Colchester Castle… squats sulkily at the entrance to Castle Park. Rather military and featureless from the outside, it’s the Roman equivalent of Aladdin’s Cave inside.”
These are taken from the Colchester chapter of Towns of Two Halves, published in 2018. To order a copy (for £8 plus p&p), email