

Shrewsbury, severn, sculls

What to See
You’ll find accounts of Shrewsbury’s tourist attractions in Towns of Two Halves (and of 91 other places: order the book now for £8 from For additional information plus shopping, eating out etc there’s Original Shrewsbury.

Shrewsbury Castle, Charles I, English Civil War
Shrewsbury Castle: the town was briefly Charles I’s capital’

Links to Shrewsbury attractions include:
Shrewsbury Abbey
Shrewsbury Castle
Shrewsbury Cathedral
Shrewsbury Festivals
Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery
Shrewsbury Prison
Soldiers of Shropshire Museum
Shropshire Wildlife Trust
The Quarry

Towns of Two Halves extracts:
“Britain’s first TV gardener, the avuncular Percy Thrower, was Parks Superintendent in Shrewsbury from 1946 to 1974. A notably floral town, Shrewsbury takes care to make Percy prominent in its tourist brochures. But Percy, a balding, Brylcreemed pipe-smoker, presented his last television programme for the BBC in 1975 and he died in 1988; his name will mean very little to people under the age of 60.”
“There are not many points in the football season where Shrewsbury will not be hosting an event of great local, regional or even national significance. Instead of a one-off visit you might consider buying a season ticket.”
“Robert Cadman was a showman whose speciality involved ropes and high places. He entertained people around the country by ‘flying’ – more accurately, sliding on a grooved wooden breastplate down an inclined rope – in a death-defying manner. But death, taunted by Cadman’s preliminary stunts, would not long be defied; in February 1740 the rope snapped and Cadman fell to earth.”
These are taken from the Shrewsbury chapter of Towns of Two Halves, published in 2018. To buy a copy, email