

Swansea, Swansea Bay, Liberty Stadium, Business News Wales
Aerial photograph from Business News Wales

What to see
You’ll find accounts of Swansea’s tourist attractions in Towns of Two Halves (and of 91 other places: order the book now for £8 from info@townsof2halves.co.uk). For additional information plus shopping, eating out etc there are Swansea’s information pages, Visit Swansea Bay and Visit Wales.

Links to Swansea attractions include:

Swansea Marina: Mumbles across the bay

Dylan Thomas Centre
Egypt Centre
Environment Centre
Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
National Waterfront Museum
St Joseph’s Cathedral
Swansea Museum

Towns of Two Halves extracts
● “I set aside Sunday for sight-seeing. In the morning I asked the young woman at reception what I shouldn’t miss, given that I had only the day to look at Swansea and might never be back. ‘The Mumbles,’ she replied instantly and distinctly.”
● “The Dylan Thomas Museum relied neither on looks nor weather. Its first appeal was, appropriately enough, to the ears of passers-by. The unmistakable voice of Richard Burton declaimed lines from Under Milk Wood to the pavement at large. Even if I had not been heading that way the voice would have lured me in.”
● “The hotel bar was very quiet and the restaurant held only two other diners. They were a couple engaged in an intimate tête-à-tête, and when the maître d’ made as though to put me alongside them I suggested we give them some privacy. Nodding at my consideration, he found a place for me at the far end of the room; if not at the back of beyond, certainly at the back of the north Wind.”
These are taken from the Swansea chapter of Towns of Two Halves, published in 2018. To buy a copy, email info@townsof2halves.co.uk.