

Bristol, SS Great Britain, Brunel

What to see
You’ll find accounts of Bristol’s tourist attractions, additional information, shopping, eating out etc at Visit Bristol. For more events coming up go to Bristol 24/7 or Time Out Bristol.
Links to Bristol attractions include:

“The Clifton Suspension Bridge: it would have seemed disrespectful not to cross it”

Bristol Aquarium
Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
Cabot Tower
Clifton Suspension Bridge
Heritage Walks
M Shed
Red Lodge Museum
Royal Photographic Society
Royal West of England Academy
SS Great Britain
The Georgian House
We The Curious

Avebury, standing stones, neolithic
‘Everybody should go to Avebury, although not all at once’

Towns of Two Halves extracts:
“Everybody should go to Avebury, although not all at once.”
“Approaching Bristol from this direction [Spike Island] makes it almost impossible to avoid the SS Great Britain. We were looking for a coffee rather than a relic of the Golden Age of Steam, but I was with an engineer and his enthusiasm for the exhibition was infectious.”
“At Ashton Gate, towards the end of the 20th century, spectators at the visiting supporters’ end sat on wooden benches. Leaning or shuffling backwards, they would find their backs coming into contact with the knees of the party behind. This added little to their enjoyment of the game.”
“With glacial stealth the game is gradually excluding behaviour that has been regarded as unacceptable elsewhere in society for decades. Eventually, the Augean Stables will be cleansed, Pimms will be the beverage of choice and football will be played to the accompaniment of canned crowd noise.”
These are taken from the Bristol chapters of Towns of Two Halves, published in 2018. To buy a copy, email